Aeorion Account Activation

You requested access to a secure site that requires account activation. Please enter requested information below. If you have questions or concerns email Please note that you will use your ID Number and Password entered below to access this online system. If you have questions or concerns please call 1-876-963-7000.
ID Number
Date of Birth
mm / dd / yyyy
e.g: 01/23/1980

Personal Email
(gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc.)
Security Question 1

Security Answer 1

Security Question 2

Security Answer 2

(Password must contain at least eight alphanumeric characters.)
Retype password


Account Activation Confirmation
You have successfully activated your Aeorion account. Please log in to your INS mail box ( and check for a confirmation message. Please note that your INS email address may take up to 24hrs after it is received before it is activated. However you may go ahead and log into the Aeorion student information system even if your mail box is not yet activated.

Your INS Student Email Address
Your INS email address was created. Please see below for details. If you have questions or comments please contact
  • E-mail Address:
    (Please note that all official communication from INS will be sent to your INS email account only.)
  • For questions or comments please contact

General Information
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